It seems only fitting
Hi Space Geeks!
It is another week into my studying journey on the road to a science genius (yes I know I may be over confident on that but if you don't expect the best of yourself then who will?).
This post was a little delayed due to this week being another TMA (tutor marked assignment) week, and I won't lie this one was tough, the content was fascinating enough (earth science and physics) however the TMA for these two subjects seemed to take it up another level and I think if I timed myself on this one I must have spent at somewhere between 20 and 30 hours answering the questions. But this hasn't put me off, I still really like the physics element even if it takes some thinking. Plus it helps if you also use the correct data when answering your questions.....yes I spent a good three hours on Saturday working on it only to discover that I hadn't read the question correctly! I blame it on my glasses not working properly.....
With Physics in mind it seems only fitting that this blog post should be as tribute to one of the greatest minds of our generation who sadly passed away recently. You will no doubt see countless news articles and tributes to the great mind that is Stephen Hawking, and yes I am another one adding to the collection BUT it seems only fitting that I should write this post as a tribute to him.
I, like many others were saddened to hear of the news of his passing. The vast majority of us did not know of him personally but somewhere down the line at some point in our own life's something he said or did has inspired us. He is one of the greats and his contribution to the field of science will be remembered for years to come.
Being only at the very beginning of my journey into the world of science, in a selfish way I wish I had decided this journey sooner, I am yet to read his scientific works, to really research this great mind and discover what made him so well known across the globe.
Whilst researching I came across some articles on him as well as some quotes which I feel are inspirational to those of us in and out of science, the one below is probably one of my favourites. The first sentence is very fitting for me, looking up at the stars is what led me to want to learn more about the universe and start my degree in the first place.
I also think the last line of this quote is quite apt at the moment. There will be those of us studying that will be thinking "why am I even doing this?" or "I can't do this anymore!"
Those difficult questions that you simply can not figure out (yes I had a few of those moments this weekend) or you just can not find the time to study because of a number of reasons.
Remember "Don't give up!" Put those books down for a few hours, clear your head or even leave it till the next day. Fresh eyes can often work wonders on something that seemed difficult the day before. If the way that you are being taught isn't working, then find a way that helps it to sink in.
We all learn differently. Some of us learn visually, others learn via sound and some of us learn by repetition (me I'm a repetition person, read and write and repeat).
For me personally I have chosen a subject that I have a love/hate relationship with. The science part I love! It was the reason I enrolled, it is the reason I keep pushing myself through the difficult parts. The hate part was Maths - but I knew these both came together and if I wanted to learn more about this great universe we live in I had to learn to at least like the maths.
Now here I am 6 months down the line still loving the science element and my relationship with Maths has moved from hate to "this isn't so bad". So you see, I haven't given up. I have practised, I have asked others how a certain equation works and where the answer comes from and I am now starting to understand better.
So although i may question my sanity on occasion on why I chose to go down this path, I will never regret it.
For those of you reading this and struggling at the moment, it will get easier! Remember the reason you started this journey in the first place and it will help you to push your way through the hard parts!
Take a second to watch this You Tube video:
Now onto what I am working on this coming week, well I have another maths assessment to complete (Im aiming for more than 80% on this one!) and then I'll be moving onto my next Topic. Can you believe it is already Topic 9?! There are only 11 topics in total, by the end of May I will have finished my first year!
Ill also be talking to The OU this week, tomorrow sees everyone able to enrol on modules for October and although I had my mind set a few weeks back I am now unsure. The senior advisers at The OU are fantastic at helping you and guiding you in the right direction so watch this space!
I'd love to hear what you are all up to - leave a comment underneath and let me know :)
If you love space as much as me why not check out the NASA website? Here's a link to just one of their articles :)
Or check out some of the images on the European Space Agency website:
That's it from me for now, although I plan to do at least one more blog post this week, so keep your eyes peeled :)
Till next time Space Geeks!
It is another week into my studying journey on the road to a science genius (yes I know I may be over confident on that but if you don't expect the best of yourself then who will?).
This post was a little delayed due to this week being another TMA (tutor marked assignment) week, and I won't lie this one was tough, the content was fascinating enough (earth science and physics) however the TMA for these two subjects seemed to take it up another level and I think if I timed myself on this one I must have spent at somewhere between 20 and 30 hours answering the questions. But this hasn't put me off, I still really like the physics element even if it takes some thinking. Plus it helps if you also use the correct data when answering your questions.....yes I spent a good three hours on Saturday working on it only to discover that I hadn't read the question correctly! I blame it on my glasses not working properly.....
With Physics in mind it seems only fitting that this blog post should be as tribute to one of the greatest minds of our generation who sadly passed away recently. You will no doubt see countless news articles and tributes to the great mind that is Stephen Hawking, and yes I am another one adding to the collection BUT it seems only fitting that I should write this post as a tribute to him.
I, like many others were saddened to hear of the news of his passing. The vast majority of us did not know of him personally but somewhere down the line at some point in our own life's something he said or did has inspired us. He is one of the greats and his contribution to the field of science will be remembered for years to come.
Being only at the very beginning of my journey into the world of science, in a selfish way I wish I had decided this journey sooner, I am yet to read his scientific works, to really research this great mind and discover what made him so well known across the globe.
Whilst researching I came across some articles on him as well as some quotes which I feel are inspirational to those of us in and out of science, the one below is probably one of my favourites. The first sentence is very fitting for me, looking up at the stars is what led me to want to learn more about the universe and start my degree in the first place.
I also think the last line of this quote is quite apt at the moment. There will be those of us studying that will be thinking "why am I even doing this?" or "I can't do this anymore!"
Those difficult questions that you simply can not figure out (yes I had a few of those moments this weekend) or you just can not find the time to study because of a number of reasons.
Remember "Don't give up!" Put those books down for a few hours, clear your head or even leave it till the next day. Fresh eyes can often work wonders on something that seemed difficult the day before. If the way that you are being taught isn't working, then find a way that helps it to sink in.
We all learn differently. Some of us learn visually, others learn via sound and some of us learn by repetition (me I'm a repetition person, read and write and repeat).
For me personally I have chosen a subject that I have a love/hate relationship with. The science part I love! It was the reason I enrolled, it is the reason I keep pushing myself through the difficult parts. The hate part was Maths - but I knew these both came together and if I wanted to learn more about this great universe we live in I had to learn to at least like the maths.
Now here I am 6 months down the line still loving the science element and my relationship with Maths has moved from hate to "this isn't so bad". So you see, I haven't given up. I have practised, I have asked others how a certain equation works and where the answer comes from and I am now starting to understand better.
So although i may question my sanity on occasion on why I chose to go down this path, I will never regret it.
For those of you reading this and struggling at the moment, it will get easier! Remember the reason you started this journey in the first place and it will help you to push your way through the hard parts!
Take a second to watch this You Tube video:
Now onto what I am working on this coming week, well I have another maths assessment to complete (Im aiming for more than 80% on this one!) and then I'll be moving onto my next Topic. Can you believe it is already Topic 9?! There are only 11 topics in total, by the end of May I will have finished my first year!
Ill also be talking to The OU this week, tomorrow sees everyone able to enrol on modules for October and although I had my mind set a few weeks back I am now unsure. The senior advisers at The OU are fantastic at helping you and guiding you in the right direction so watch this space!
I'd love to hear what you are all up to - leave a comment underneath and let me know :)
If you love space as much as me why not check out the NASA website? Here's a link to just one of their articles :)
Or check out some of the images on the European Space Agency website:
That's it from me for now, although I plan to do at least one more blog post this week, so keep your eyes peeled :)
Till next time Space Geeks!
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